Local sport

Teen’s albatross ignites league season

The league season got started in spectacular fashion.

An albatross on the par five 11th hole by Cameron Olivant was the highlight of the day in the opening round of the Southern KZN Handicap League last Sunday.

It took place at Port Shepstone Country Club, where the hosts defeated Umdoni Park 6,5-5,5 and Southbroom edged out Margate CC 7-5.

Defending champions Selborne Park had a bye.

Although Cameron, now 15, is a member at Sheppie, he is also one at Southbroom and plays league for them.

In his game against Koos Jacobs, he hit a 3-wood off the tee and followed it up with another 3-wood.

His perfectly struck second shot saw the ball bounce on the green, settle down quickly, and then roll into the hole.

In the morning, Cameron chipped in for eagle after his greensomes partner Grant Richards left him just short of the green.

Ironically, despite the incredible shot in the afternoon – one which is far more rare than a boring old hole-in-one – he lost to an on-fire Koos, 3/2.

Still, Southbroom got through the day with a hard-fought 7-5 win over their southern rivals.

The other game was also close, with Sheppie just gaining the advantage.

It bodes well for an exciting league season this year and Selborne will no doubt have taken note of some of the quality golf on display.

Next round is at Southbroom on May 19.

J Nqoko/C Solgevik lost to C Pereira/C Boonzaier 4/3.
W Duggan/N Crossman beat M Donovan/J Haman 2/1.
G Richards Jr/S le Roux beat A Fourie/R Niebuhr 6/4.
G Richards/C Olivant beat K Jacobs/B Taylor 3/2.
Southbroom 3 Margate 1

Southbroom’s league captain Grant Richards urges his putt home. It missed, but only just.

Christer Solgevik lost to Carlos Pereira 5/3.
Jan Nqoko beat Conrad Boonzaier 5/3.
Werner Duggan lost to Andries Fourie 3/2.
Nic Crossman lost to Rupert Niebuhr 4/3.
Grantie Richards beat Johan Haman 4/3.
Stefan le Roux beat Marcos Donovan 3/1.
Grant Richards beat Blake Taylor 5/4.
Cameron Olivant lost to Koos Jacobs 3/2.
Southbroom 4 Margate 4
Overall: Southbroom 7 Margate 5.

T van Rooyen/G Koch 4/2 lost to M Perry/A Visser 4/2.
A dos Santos/N Thomas lost to B Allison/W van Kraayenburg 4/3.
H Janse van Rensburg/J Janse van Rensburg lost to S Swain/A Phillips 2-down.
K Larsen/G van Wyk beat J Kirstein/Q Allison 1-up.
PSCC 1 Umdoni 3

Gerald Koch beat Anthony Visser 1-up.
Theo van Rooyen beat Mervyn Perry 1-up.
Alberto dos Santos beat Wikus van Kraayenburg 4/3.
Noah Thomas lost to Brendon Allison 2-down.
Hendrik Janse van Rensburg beat Anthony Phillips 2-up.
Johann Janse van Rensburg lost to Steve Swain 2/1.
Gavin van Wyk halved with Quinton Allison.
Kirk Larsen beat Jacques Kirstein 1-up.
PSCC 5,5 Umdoni 2,5
Overall: PSCC 6,5 Umdoni 5,5.

Johann Janse van Rensburg tees off for Port Shepstone CC.


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