Local sport

Swallows silence Hadedahs at Southbroom

There's a lot of golf on the go at Southbroom this summer.

There was a wonderful atmosphere at Southbroom Golf Club, where the international Swallows took on the local Hadedahs.
At the end of it all, the Swallows triumphed, winning nine games to eight (9-8), with Emil Hierhold lifting the trophy.

The golf was followed by a tasty lunch. The Swallows Challenge sets things up rather nicely for the annual International Shootout on February 23 and 24. Best pair was Martin and Glynis Hutton on 48 points, three ahead of Norman and Shirley Jeffery on 45 points.

In third place were Keith and Arlene Bailey on 43 points.
Fourth spot went to Chris and Jo Ledden on 42 points, on a countout from Sharon Turnbull-Jackson and Graham Volck.

The previous Thursday’s competition was won on 90 points by Martin and Glynis Hutton, Jenny and Graham Holford.
Runners-up were Annie Bruwer, Irene Schanda, Allyson Thomas and Jeanette Peyios on 86 points.
Candida Amm’s 80th birthday alliance was enjoyed by the women last Saturday.
Winners were the birthday girl’s team of Candida, Shirley Jeffery, Sandy FitzGerald and Jeanne Powell on 84 points.

Next were Solange Fox, Michelle van der Hoek, Gwyn Wright and Heather Anderson on 83 points.
In third place were Della Kempthorne, Carol Lamb, Cecelia Verster and Yzelle Greyling on 79 points.
The men’s alliance was won by Roger Hissey, Andries Brewis and Anthony Hughes on 86 points.

Runners-up were Gurney Mathews, Gerald FitzGerald, Peter and Ross Kupisiewicz on 84 points.
In third place were Malcolm Greenland, Jack Moulder, Rory O’Donnell and Phil Verwey on 83 points.
Chicken Run: Heiner Spoerri 19 points.


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