Local sport

From the Bowling Greens

News and results from some local bowling clubs.

Winning the Southbroom fours played on February 1 were Dieter Scholz, Ian Hutton, Trixi Smith and Barbara Marx.
Runners-up were Mervyn Barratt, Allan Gibson, Trevor Haywood and Alwin Hohls.
First session went to Richard Derman, Heiner Wolber, Colin Wright and Mo Karani.
Second session wen to Glenn Hatfield, Graham Fisher, Sue Hatfield and Ian Hunter.

The Piet se Hut 2-4-2 open pairs competition was won by Robbie Duyts and Tammy Gibbons.
Runners-up were Jim Vaughan and Glenda Snyman. Session went to Kevin Mullen and Rienie Blignault.
The date for the next one is Thursday, March 7.
The Tweni Pharmacy men’s pairs was won by Robbie Duyts and Hans van de Walt.
Runners-up were Dick Eltringham and Mike Scmidt.
Session prize went to Don Russouw and Vic Holder.

The Tiago’s open pairs, last Friday was won by Alan Gibson and Trevor Heywood.
Runners-up were Mervyn Barratt and Louis Heystek.
Second session winners were Trixi Smith and Ian Hutton.
Lucky draw was won by Dave van As.

Camaraderie from the KZN Quadrangular Bowls Tournament at Margate Bowling Club last Saturday. The quadrangular was a huge success, despite the very hot weather.


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