From the Bowling greens

News and results from South Coast bowling clubs.

Clinton and Marian Knott finished joint third in the recent KBA mixed pairs.
The open fours were won by Robbie Duyts, Jean and Bob Squires and Carl Volker.
Runners-up were Sharolyn Dacey, Steve O’Moore, Dina van der Walt and Sandy van Niekerk.
In third were Barry and Desiree Krause, Maureen Head and Doug Shepherd.
This was sponsored by Merlo Hardware, Casa Mia Restaurant and Pool Prof. Winners of the Food Lover’s 2-4-2 were Sharolyn Dacey and Steve O’Moore.
Runners-up were Jean and Bob Squires, with third going to Leon Sander and Hedy Morom.

The Ken Tonge sponsored ladies’ trips was won by Pat Brand-Lyle, Leoni Booth and Pauline Isaac.
Runners-up were Nicky Oosthuizen, Barbara Jackson and Kobie Ritchie.
First session winners were Juanita Fourie, Ren Smuts and Brigitte Carey-Smith.
Second session went to Jenny Louw, Mari Fielden and Dorothea van Rooyen.
Lucky draw was won by Pat Malgue.

The 3rd Avenue mixed fours was won by Kevin Mullen, Tony Aveyard, Lyn Harris, Larraine.
Runners-up were Johnny Meyer, Albert van Niekerk, Jan Anderson and Dick Eltringham.
Session prize went to John Hodge, Marco Pallini, Jim Vaughn and Gill Rule.

Winning the SpecSavers open 2-4-2 were Johan du Preez and Dave van As.
Runners-up were Anthony Card and Colin Gourlie, with third place going to Ali Mitchell and Doug Kent.
First session winners were Alvin Hohls and Theo Vorster.
Second session winners were John Keppler and Steve Rennie.

The mixed trips, sponsored by Warwick Wealth, was won by Albert Munnik, Gill Rule and Andries du Toit.
Runners-up were Eddie Milne, Lorraine van Jaarsveld and Brian Mertz.
Session went to Bruce Hoyer, Bubbles Bezuidenhout and Buddy Marnewick

Winners of the JL Panelbeaters’ competition were Bruce Lund, Pam and Dave Nothard.
Runners up were St John and Carol Roodt and Bill Sargeant.
Thank you to JL Panelbeaters for the sponsorship. Your continued support is greatly appreciated.

Winning the JL Panelbeaters’ men’s fours were Tony Waters, Cleve Walker, Glenn Hatfield and Ian Hunter. Runners-up were Manny Rodrigues, Johan du Preez, Bill Eccles and Theo Vorster.
Third place went to Brian Douthwaite, Trevor Haywood, Alan Gibson and Donnovan Mulder.

Winners of the KBA Mixed Pairs were Des Hean and Ellen Cawker (Widenham), with runners-up Tony Waters and Eileen Burt (Southbroom).
In joint third were Maureen Muller and Mike Prinsloo (Margate) and Clinton and Marian Knott (The Bell).

Taking first place in the JL Panelbeaters’ men’s fours at Southbroom are (from left) Cleve Walker, Glenn Hatfield, Tony Waters and Ian Hunter.


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