Local sport

From the Bowling greens

News and results from South Coast bowling clubs.

Winners of the JL Panelbeaters competition were Neels de Beer, Markus Steinmann and Pierre Ackerman.
Riverside mixed pairs competition winners were Dora Vosloo and Tim Woolley, runners-up were Ferro van Greunen and Gail Taylor.

The annual Halfway Toyota Shelly Beach was a huge success, thanks to the continued support of the dealership.
Winners were Charmaine van der Westhuizen, Paul Hare, Jimmy Holtshauzen and Sandy van Niekerk.
Runners-up were Mandy Burls, David Nicholas, Jan Purdon and Jason Knott.
The Food Lover’s Market winners were Albert and Alida Munnik with Keiron Dacey and Ermi Joubert second.
Hans and Dina van der Walt won the session prize.
Harbourview Superspar sponsored trips was won by Renzo van Niekerk, Louw Brits and Willie Knott, with Hew Hodgson, Jimmy Holtshauzen and Roy Matkovich second.
Jean and Bob Squires with Carl Volker were third.

Winners of the Harbourview Superspar mixed pairs were Albert van Niekerk and Karen Delaney.
Runners-up were Tammy Gibbons and Artur Lopes.
Session went to Kevin Mullen and Lynn Harris.
Winners of the Hibiscus Insurance Brokers open trips were Martiens Olivier, André Lourens and Elsa Lourens.
Runners-up were Cleve Walker, Richard Derman and Ian Hunter.
First session winners were Johan du Preez, Carol Roodt and St John Roodt.
Second session went to Eileen Burt, Helen Proctor and Marlene Collett.

Brian Douthwaite and Bill Eccles won the Food Lover’s Market open 2-4-2.
Runners-up were Gary Hess and Ron Vink.
Second session prize went to Johan du Preez and Dave van As.
Lucky draw was won by Bill Eccles.

Debonairs and High Rock Pro Ten trips winners were Mike Dixie, Leigh Warner and Nicky Hearns.
Runners-up were Anthony Card, Tony Going and Priscilla Going.
Session prize went to Bruce Lund, Graeme Russell and Pat Brand Lyle.

The winners of the JL Panelbeaters competition (from left to right) are Neels de Beer, Markus Steinmann and Pierre Ackerman.
Winners of the Riverside mixed pairs competition are Dora Vosloo and Tim Woolley, flanked by runners-up Ferro van Greunen and Gail Taylor.


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