Umkomaasters dominate at Interclub

It was a wonderful week for the local golfers, despite the weather.

Umkomaas Golf Club had a fantastic time of it at this year’s KZN Interclub, winning not one but two of the four divisions.

On a weekend where it pelted down and blew a gale, the Umkomaasters – as they are sometimes fondly known – won the Frog and Senior Frog divisions.

The finals were played at Umdoni Park on Sunday, with two days of qualifying held at three local courses, Selborne Park, Umdoni Park and Umkomaas.

There was also something of a family affair going on for Umkomaas, with three generations featuring in the winning teams.

The Frogs comprised Dheen Naicker, his nephew Tashlyn Naicker (Viv’s son), and Kuben Naidoo.
The Senior Frogs comprised Tom Naicker, Saga Reddy and Ani Seepershad. Tom is Viv and Dheen’s father. Anil is Kavish’s father.

The second Frog team narrowly missed out, a team consisting of Viv Naicker, Kavish Seepershad and Christopher Pillay.
There was success in the A division as well.

It’s been a very long time since Umkomaas made the semi-finals, and this year the team of Noel Parsonage, Greg Thiel and Damien O’Connell made it through, qualifying in fourth place.
They were beaten in the semi-finals by Kloof, on a holes countout after the match was tied 1,5-1,5. Greg halved, Damien won 1-up (with a superb pitch at the last) and Noel lost by a few holes.
Kloof would end up being beaten by Southbroom in the final. Ethekweni beat Kloof to win the B division.

But getting back to the Frogs. They beat Ethekweni 2-1 in the morning. Kuben lost 2/1, Tash won 6/5 and Dheen won 5/4.

They eased to victory against Alliance 2,5-0,5 in the afternoon. Kuben halved, Tash won 4/3 and Dheen also won 4/3.
The Senior Frogs beat Tanglewood 2-1 before trouncing Monzi 3-0 to secure the trophy.

In the morning, Anil won 4/2, Tom lost and Saga won 4/2.
In the afternoon Anil won 9/7, Tom won 4/3 and Saga showed why he’s called the Postman (as he always delivers) finishing things off with a 1-up win.

Overall, it was a phenomenal effort from Umkomaas. They had nine teams in the tournament, with two winning, one making the semis, two Frog teams made the Alliance and the rest in their respective divisions were not far off.

Umkomaas Senior Frogs (from left) Tom Naicker, Saga Reddy and Anil Seepershad, with Brian Olsen (KZN Golf Union president).


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