Good field for monthly medal

The KZN Interclub Tournament is scheduled to be played at Umkomaas, Umdoni and Selborne from October 27 to 29.

I read about a flat for sale overlooking the 18th green at St Andrews in Scotland. It comes with a price tag of £2.3 million, that’s about R53 million and can only be used as a second home, you can’t live there permanently. It does however, come with a valet service among other perks, so get this onto your Lotto wish list.

The cold and windy weather we’re experiencing is the tail end of winter which is letting us know he’s not finished. This probably led to a depleted field at Scottburgh Golf Club last Wednesday, but Anton Visage took advantage of the new handicaps we were given (thanks to the ‘slope’ of the course being re-adjusted) and returned 35 points for a one point win over long-time visitor Ewald Odendaal on 34 who also climbed in with the only 2-club of the day.

It was not much better weather-wise last Saturday, but a good field for the monthly medal now sponsored by KWV. Nivash Mahabeer brought his son along for the day and showed him how to do it with a fine 73 gross in the A division with Barry Kisten taking the nett with 75.

Steven Myburgh took the B division gross with 86 and Bob Hall the nett with 72. There was a great cheer as Dave Meredith of Stone Last fame strode up to take the C division with 34 points his first major win with Anton Visage runner-up with 32. Nivash’s nett 69 taking the medal for August.

The team of Steven Myburgh, Alwyn and Byron Stander and again Ewald Odendaal took the alliance with 83. Spoekie joined the team of John Mills, Barry Kisten and Doc Mahabeer to take the Stone for a week, the Stone mysteriously hovering above the table due to Spoekie’s displeasure. There were no 2 clubs but the hidden holes were disturbed by Dave Meredith, Pete Gilliver and Byron Stander.

The KZN Interclub Tournament is scheduled to be played at Umkomaas, Umdoni and Selborne from October 27 to 29. We’re looking to put in teams, so please leave your name with Deane if you would like to represent the club.

Flyer’s footnote: In golf you’re always thinking about how the course is playing, whether the greens are fast or slow or whether the wind is blowing, dying or shifting. All of a sudden it doesn’t matter as you yank out your favourite 5-iron.



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