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Glorious sunshine at bowls tournament

The latest AMBC bowls news.

A total of 96 bowlers came together over the weekend in glorious sunshine to take part in AMBC‘s annual anniversary tournament, sponsored by Hibiscus Retirement Villages.

Runners-up (from left) Alex Bukes, Alida Munnik, Alex Cameron (president) Neil and Nossie Patterson.

The team of Phil Myburgh, Erna and Andre Herbst and Estelle Collier were the overall winners.
Runners-up were Alex Bukes, Alida Munnik and Nossie and Neil Patterson. Third prize went to Mally Swanby, Gay Symons, Ashley Nevill and Margie Levin.

Third place (from left) Margie Levin, Gay Symons, Ashley Nevill, Mally Swanby and Alex Cameron (president).

The session prize went to Pierre and Marietjie van Wyk, Jean Thomassen and Alen Towers. Well done to all.

Session prize went to Marietjie and Pierre van Wyk, Shirley Tucker and Alan Towers, who are seen with Alex Cameron (president).



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