Spoekie strikes, Mandy elected ladies captain

There was some great golf for Scottburgh locals and visitors throughout the week.

How many of us would like to hit 18 greens in regulation and then take two putts per green during a round?

Rory McIlroy did exactly that in the last round of The Open, but it wasn’t good enough as Cameron Smith played a fantastic round to win his first major. A record for Rory, but no silverware.

Ol’ Spoekie was at it again on Wednesday as he/she/it partnered visitor Chris Steynsvaart to win a betterball Stableford with 42 points, never mind Spoeks, it’s more money in the captain’s fund.

Second was another visitor, John Webster, playing with Mick Marriot and scoring 39 points. Third on 37 were Denis Brown and Wayne Simpson with visitor Chris getting the only 2-club. Umdoni’s Mike Eley and Geoff Thommasen, dipped into their pension pot to pay for polish for the Stone.

The ladies had their AGM on Saturday and taking over as captain is Mandy Jones, who is also treasurer.

Hayley Gilliver is vice and serving as committee are Esme Hadley, Linda Hall, Alex Morris and Delores McAuliffe. Well done ladies and may you have a successful year.

The men played their monthly P&G Construction betterball with Wayne Simpson moving up in the credits from Wednesday with Brian Richards to take the whisky for their 43 point total.

Second on 41 were Kevin Ramkisson and former junior Reuben Kisten back for a short holiday and third were captain Bob Hall and John Mills with 39.

Ian Walker and Wayne Simpson were nearest the pins, but neither could roll in a 2-club and The Stone went the way of a couple of visitors in Dion and Janko Barnard

On Wednesday it’s an individual Stableford just to get us ready for the club championships next weekend.

The draw will take place on Thursday morning so this is your last chance to get your name down.

Flyer’s Footnote: Have you noticed that it is very difficult to lose an old golf ball – they’re like bad pennies, they just keep coming back.



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