Pin surprise at Southbroom

The South Coast Hospice golf day took place last Saturday.

The ladies Captain’s Choice Pin Surprise at Southbroom Golf Club last Wednesday was won by Sue Kupisiewicz, Janet Lehmann, Sandy FitzGerald and Anne McAlpine on 75 points.

Runners-up were Anne-Marie Bruwer, Jo Ledden, Shelley Myers and Rene Matthew on 73 points.

The men’s alliance was won by Werner Duggan, Christer Solgevik, Bo Bergqvist and Marius Santos on 87 points.

Second place went to John Fox, Brian Blackstock, Russell Mckenzie and Gurney Matthews on 85 points.

Third spot went to Andrew Wager, Jim DiMambro and Malcolm Moorley on 85 points.

The South Coast Hospice golf day took place last Saturday.

The women’s section was won by Shelley Myers and Janet Lehmann on 41 points, counting out Michelle van der Hoek and Louise Leal, as well as Lesley Godley and Shirley Jeffery.

In the men’s competition, winners were Gene Kriek and Sean Harmse on 42 points, from Alex and Ken Crawford, who counted out John Fox and Derek James, as well as Riaan Jooste and Mike Nortje and Clive Miller and Anton Leal.

Chicken Run: Derek James 20 points, Alex Crawford 19 points, Phil Verwey 19 points, Clive Miller 19 points, Neil Blackstock 19 points.


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