Steffi soars with Eagles at Umkomaas

No gathering, masks, and no prize-giving meant that it was definitely not business as usual.

Just when we thought we were on the way back to normal our club captain, Cyril Ramaposa by name, gets on to TV and tells us all that we need to go back to level 3 with a few added items.

This resulted in us having to play our monthly game without spectators.

Now no self-respecting Eagle enjoys playing 18 holes without being noticed but our social responsibility kicked in and we all did the right thing.

There are not a lot of things that are more important than golf but getting this pandemic under control most definitely is.

Therefore, our first game of the year took a small detour and was held under strict Covid-19 protocols.

No gathering, masks, and no prize-giving meant that it was definitely not business as usual.

On a serious note, a big thank you from the committee to all of the Village Eagles players as well as the management of Umkomaas Golf Club for your adherence to the protocols and your understanding.

A nice round number of 60 golfers pitched up at Umkomaas GC to play the first game of 2021.

If this is the pattern we look forward to full fields for the rest of the year.

For a golf society that is so young in establishment the Village Eagles has flown a long way.

Of course, the word young is not usually associated with the Village Eagles but my mentor told me that I can use what is known as poetic licence.

As usual Umkomaas GC presented itself in perfect condition as the scores will confirm.

One of the Eagles must have been very happy with the conditions especially on the short holes.

Most golfers are happy with one two-club in a round but not our Mervyn Perry.

No, he was not happy until he had accumulated three two-clubs.

Another golfer who must have found the conditions absolutely perfect was Steffi Podmore.

On 47 individual points Steffi won the coveted Best Lady prize but unfortunately, although there was no prize giving, the handicapping master noticed the result and got his biggest pair of scissors out.

Winners on the day were the team of Big Ben Enslin, Harry Podmore, Alistair Ferguson and, you guessed it, Steffi Podmore on an alliance score of 97 points, beating the second placed team by nearly 10 points.

Best Male golfer was Brian Navias on a respectable 40 points.

The Stone Last Trophy was won by Alan Munn, John Westwood, Billy Smith and Ann Westwood who all noted that winning something is better than winning nothing.

Once again, thanks to our sponsors.

Our next game is to be played at Selborne Park Golf Club and we hope that things will be a little easier by then.



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