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Tweni Talk: WiFi phones cause consternation

Ask the representative to insert the sim card so that it does not become your responsibility.

TELKOM apparently plans to do away with standard landlines and has been handing out WiFi phones, mainly to elderly people. Some residents in Umtentweni have received their new phones and supposedly this will roll out throughout the country. Dr Yvonne Huskisson, who now has to rely on a walker, was handed a phone at her garden gate and shortly afterwards, her landline was cut: her only communication.

ALSO READ : Tweni Talk: Cyclists be warned

The WiFi phone’s sim card, after much fiddling to try and insert it, did not work – so it was off to Telkom in Shelly Beach to queue for over an hour – only to be told they unfortunately could not help. The sim swap needed to be done at Telkom in Galleria shopping centre.

Ask for help

After another hour spent in the queue at Galleria, it was again declined because Dr Huskisson needed to be there in person or appoint a person as official power of attorney. Eventually a new card was issued, with a suggestion to try and get it activated telephonically, but the person who answered the 10210 call was not at all sympathetic to the situation. This story is just a ‘heads-up’ to warn others, make sure you get assistance at the time of taking delivery of the phone. Ask the representative to insert the sim card so that it does not become your responsibility. Wendy Beukes was without a phone for two weeks after her landline was cut and this begs the question – how many others have had problems?

Trash trouble

Please do not place black refuse bags outside prior to your area’s designated collection day – someone dropped black bags in Commercial Road at 1am last Monday and two pedestrians were seen ripping the bags apart and spreading the contents hither and thither. When leaving, one found a fluorescent tube in the litter and threw it onto the railway line.

Poor attendance

Last Saturday’s Muddyboots market was not well attended, which is rather disappointing as there were lots of really good things on sale.

Similarly, last Tuesday’s Umtentweni CPF meeting was not well attended which was sad. Perhaps because crime is down in Tweni currently, but it is by no means crime-free.

As was proven on Marine Drive last Saturday – dogs alerted their owners to the fact that there were intruders in the yards of at least three houses.

Phenomenal parkrunner

Christopher Cumming of Tweni completed his 100th parkrun in Uvongo last Saturday. He says the run was under extremely hot humid conditions, but he soon recovered with a delicious cool milkshake.

Join today

Tweni Business had its first monthly meeting, with Pat Symcox as guest speaker. If you are interested in joining, please contact Kim Jones at 084 5117651.

Mary is a marvel

Chairman of the Southern Natal History Society and well-known historian Mary Neethling just turned 90. This remarkable, amazing woman still gives a monthly talk at the Tweni Library. Marion Welsh and Mary left on a caravanning trip last Wednesday and incredibly Mary stills drives and will be towing her own caravan!

Hilarious host

Social news from the Tweni Bowling Club – last Wednesday’s quiz evening was really good fun! Compere Tony Aveyard was on top form and had everyone in stitches.

Gareth Olivant, watched by Mike Findlay at the ‘snakes and ladders’ fun day held at Umtentweni Bowling Club last Sunday.

The winning team, by one point, comprised Tony Korb, Val Bedeker, Isobel Killian, Karen Delaney and Dawn Daneel. The meal was chicken pasta and ice cream cones. Thanks, Vel Mannion and team.

Well done

Last Sunday’s rain put a bit of a damper on activities at the club, but the ‘snakes and ladders’ competition prizewinner was ‘a family affair’. Vouchers went to the Olivant family – Gareth, Robin and Cameron (plus David Rush). The ‘faders’ played canasta and the day ended with tasty hamburgers and hotdogs.

Three cheers for Jordan

Happy 13th birthday to new teenager Jordan Bester for Monday, 4th.

All news to Leila.


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