Amazing sporting year for Southcity

The pupils have really done the school proud.

SOUTHCITY Prep and College have had an incredible number of pupils selected for SKZN/Ugu and KZN/KZN Coastals teams this year. The pupils have really done the school proud.

The college has had 84 pupils selected for SKZN/Ugu area teams in 2016 representing swimming, cricket, rugby, girls’ hockey, boys’ hockey, netball, girls’ soccer and boys’ soccer. In addition the school has had a record 10 KZN/ KZN Coastals representatives and three KZN non-travelling reserves representing girls’ hockey, boys’ hockey, netball, girls’ soccer and boys’ soccer.

Senior Primary has had 26 pupils selected for SKZN/Ugu teams in 2016 representing swimming, boys’ cricket, girls’ cricket, rugby, girls’ hockey, boys’ hockey plus four KZN Coastals representatives.

Six college pupils have also been selected for the 2016 KZN schools’ soccer teams. And as the whole of KZN is represented at the trial, to have this number selected is a great achievement.


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