School sportSport

Southcity boys to tour Ireland

Congratulations to Blake Simpson for being selected for the KZN U11 cricket team.

SOUTHCITY Preparatory’s recent interhouse athletics was really exciting with only 11 points separating the top two houses. Levi ultimately won and Judah won the spirit trophy. Qhama Nyathi was awarded the senior victor ludorum and Hayley Raphepele and Ella Drummond shared the victrix award. Blake Simpson and Sinethemba Nyathi took the junior victor and victrix awards respectively.

Xanti Qwebani (gr 6) and Mthokozisi Langa (gr 7) have made the school extremely proud by being selected for the Invitation SKZN U13 Sevens rugby side which will tour Ireland in the upcoming school holidays. This is such an incredible opportunity and will be an invaluable experience for them. Congratulations to Blake Simpson for the incredible achievement of being selected for the KZN U11 cricket team.

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