South Coast Fever

Fun and leadership go hand in hand

The girls believe Girl Guides is one of the best programmes a young girl can get involved in.

Two young leaders, Robyn Landsberg and Jess Beeslaar, are loving their time spent with the Port Shepstone Teddies, Brownies, Girl Guides and Rangers.

The girls have just been enrolled in the Young Leaders programme for women aged 18 to 30.

The wonderful aspect of this programme is that leaders don’t need to have a background in Girl Guides, and these young women are starting to work on their Sage Award.

The stepsisters from Shelly Beach are almost finished with homeschooling, and their time with the Guides has given them reason and purpose in their lives.

These youth are almost the extreme opposite; Landsberg is an extrovert, and Beeslaar is an introvert, but together, they complement each other and are best friends.

They both feel this experience or role as leaders has helped them grow in their personal capacities.

“We do weekly activities or games with themes to teach the children about caring or keeping the environment clean, basic etiquette and safety. For example, we recently made soaps for an old age home,” said Landsberg.

They thanked Panda Jolene Evans and Snow Owl Nova van der Merwe for passing on their years of wisdom to them.

For Beeslaar, this role has given her a lot more confidence and forced her to interact with people of all ages.

“The role as a leader has forced me to open up to people and talk to them,” she added.

Landsberg says they feel so proud of what they have achieved so far, and being a leader has given them so much self-worth.

The girls believe Girl Guides is one of the best programmes a young girl can get involved in.

They have also been assisting with the Girl Guides by selling biscuits to raise funds for camping equipment.

The girls encourage others to get involved.

Any youth willing to join can contact Panda Jolene on 072 1485524.


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