South Coast Fever

Families suffer without electricity

The Mbhele family says they have had to park their car outside and use their garage as a fireplace to cook.

Life has come to a standstill for people who live in Ward 24 in Empeneni area in Nyandezulu.

This area has not had electricity since December 24, 2023.

Some residents have abandoned their homes and only return to check on them.

The Mbhele family says they have had to park their car outside and use their garage as a fireplace to cook.

Fikile Mbhele says her worry is that electrical appliances have not been used for months, and she wonders if they are still in working order.

“We are suffering without electricity; we can barely do anything.”

Mbhele says the late councillor, Nkosinamandla Ndlela, was aware of the situation and had said it was being attended to.

Some of the community members say that Eskom had said it will do house-to-house inspections so that they will be able to ascertain who has connected illegally.

“We have been waiting for them, but no one from Eskom has ever come.”

The residents are furious and say that the worst is that even if they do go to an Eskom office, they cannot speak to an official; instead, they are turned away by a security guard.

According to the residents, a transformer blew up and needs to be replaced, but Eskom will not replace it until they know who is connected legally and illegally.

The Herald contacted Eskom’s spokesperson, Joyce Zingoni, for comment, but no response was received at the time of going to press.


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