Parents dissatisfied with poor hostel conditions

It is alleged that the school closed the gates because parents had called the media.

Parents of Mtwalume High learners are not satisfied with the living conditions at the school’s hostel.

On the last day of school on June 14, parents went to fetch their children as usual and would normally drive into the boarding dormitories.

However, at 09:00, the school gate was closed, and parents were told that they will only be able to enter at 11:00.

Some of the parents drove from Ixopo and Durban and had to wait nearly the whole day for their children.

A broken window.

It is alleged that the school closed the gates because parents had called the media.

Some parents alleged that their children were complaining for some time.

“We met with the principal a number of times and requested him to sort out the issues that our children are complaining about. We also asked him for proof of budget spent at the school, but he doesn’t give us anything,” said a parent.

Disgruntled parents tried to force their way in, but the school called the police.

Once police arrived, they asked that the learners be released into their parent’s care as it was getting late, and some of them had to travel long distances.

The learners were only released at 14:00 after some of the parents had left with their children’s belongings, which were handed over the locked school gate.

Mattress the girls sleep on.

Eventually, the parents and media got in and found the girls’ hostel locked but could see that the building was run down.

Some of the complaints are that security at the school is not tight enough, the beds the learners sleep in, and the food they eat are not up to standard.

“Last year learners were robbed of their cellphones and other belongings. When we asked the school how criminals were able to enter the school premises and the girls’ hostel, no one was able to give us an answer.”

Concerned community members also added that the school’s security is not up to scratch and that they are worried that the boarding girls are not safe.

The Department of Education was contacted for comment over a week ago, but none was received at the time of going to print.

Broken windows in the girls’ hostel at Mtwalume High.


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