What are your thoughts on a government of national unity?

The FEVER asked South Coasters about their thoughts.

The ANC recently proposed a government of national unity after losing the majority in the recent general elections. The IFP said it has agreed to form part of a government of national unity (GNU) that includes the ANC and the DA.

The FEVER asked South Coasters about their thoughts:

Sharon Swartz does not think a government of national unity is an overnight solution.

“South Africa is a melting pot of different cultures, races, beliefs and ideas. Over the past 30 years, we have all lived together under the banner of freedom in our land. We have proven that, as a people, we are resilient and determined. I believe that the coalition will work if the leadership of the political parties in the GNU remember that everything they do is for the well-being of ordinary South Africans. There are a lot of problems that need to be fixed in South Africa, and I don’t think that the GNU is an overnight solution.”

Sharon Swartz.

According to Jessica Naicker, she has faith in the government of national unity.

“Who would have thought that a coalition between the ANC, IFP and DA may have even been a possibility? The thought at first, I must admit, was rather disappointing. Each of the parties represents such a diverse manifesto that the electorate cast their vote based on that which best represents their values and ideals, in the hope that their voices would be heard. Getting in bed with the opposition seemed like a major betrayal. One thing is for sure: the electorate has voted for change; this is indicative in the results and is a positive indication of a maturing democracy. Only time will tell if the coalition will work as the DA has strongly opposed many of the ANC’s core values, which favour a particular race, the IFP supports some controversial ideals, and the DA is seen as a White party.

“In hindsight, we as a nation ought to look beyond that which divides us and do what is best for the country and the people. Some 30-plus years into democracy, and we are still a divided nation. A coalition government could be an answer to prayer. Government lacks accountability and integrity; a coalition government may be exactly what’s needed to enforce measures for better service delivery and good stewardship of the country’s resources. They have a mammoth task ahead of them, but I’m certain that if they work together, they can accomplish much.

“I am very excited about this and what this means for us going forward. The political diaspora as a whole is shifting; it is exciting times for South Africa. We declare Jesus over our beautiful country. Viva Unity Government Viva,” said Naicker.

Jessica Naicker.

However, Cheryl Zikode is sceptical about the idea.

“I don’t think this is a good idea. They did not get our perspective on this as South Africans. We have never had a government of such before. It may be happening in other countries, but we do not know whether it will bring change.”

Cheryl Zikode.

Also, Simo Blose does not support the idea of a government of national unity.

“I don’t think this is a good idea. I do not think it will end well. I do not think it will better the country in any way. The DA is the provincial government in the Western Cape, but the living conditions in areas such as Gugulethu, Langa, Khayelitsha, and Nyanga are terrible; there is crime and informal settlements, but the DA is doing nothing about it. During the ANC-led government, there were high rates of unemployment, corruption, lack of water, and load shedding. And the IFP is governing a few municipalities here in the KZN North Coast. People in these areas are complaining about water shortages, poor road conditions, fraud, and more. Now imagine all these ‘criminals put together what will happen in the country. Everyone will want to enrich themselves; we will starve as a country. It would have been better if we were going to be led by a ‘criminal’ we do not know.”

Simo Blose.


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