‘Political parties’ barricade Umzumbe municipal offices

Umzumbe Municipality spokesperson, Sabelo Ncwaqne, said the municipality was barricaded by people who were allegedly wearing Umkhonto wesizwe Party (MK) and IFP regalia.

The offices of Umzumbe Municipality were a no-go zone on Tuesday last week after a large pile of sand was dumped at the entrance, preventing access to the facility.

It was blockaded because of an alleged dispute over the expired contract of the Umzumbe acting municipal manager, Nandi Dlamini.

However, Umzumbe municipal spokesperson Sabelo Ncwane dismissed the allegations.

Ncwane alleged that the municipality was barricaded by people who were allegedly wearing Umkhonto Wesizwe Party (MK) and IFP regalia.

He said it is well-known that Dlamini’s contract expired on April 28.

“The community must also know that Dlamini was seconded to Umzumbe Municipality by KZN Cogta after the council failed to appoint a municipal manager within six months after the declaration of the vacancy. The Cogta MEC, Bongi Sithole-Moloi, was requested by the municipality to assist with a secondment of the acting municipal manager, and part of her responsibilities were to facilitate the appointment of the municipal manager and senior managers,” said Ncwane.

He added: “To ensure the stability of the municipality, we received a letter from Sithole-Moloi directing the mayor of Umzumbe Municipality, Bongani Nyuswa, that the secondment of Dlamini has been extended from April 29 to August 31. This was done to afford her sufficient time to complete the appointment of all senior managers.”

Ncwane said in terms of the regulations on the appointment and conditions of employment of senior managers, Sithole-Moloi has to intervene if the council fails to appoint a municipal manager six months after the declaration of the vacancy.

He explained that the municipality has unsuccessfully tried to convene three consecutive council meetings.

“It rendered the municipal council dysfunctional in terms of the standing rules of order adopted by the same councillors. Dlamini’s secondment as an acting municipal manager is lawful, and she will continue to discharge all the responsibilities assigned to her by KZN Cogta. Community members must not be misled by those whose ambition is to cause anarchy for cheap political gains. The municipality also notes the intimidating tactics that were directed at Dlamini on April 29 by some councillors and community members,” he said.

He added that if the unlawful acts persist, the municipality will have to use law enforcement agencies.


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