South Coast Fever

A.N SINGH: Verbal communication is key for growth

Communication is a necessary skill and is essential for success, but there is a particular type of communication that is crucial for you to excel in life.

Verbal communication is required for success, which can be a harsh reality for us introverts.
Networking will get you into places that a degree can’t.

I am sure you have heard that before, and yes, that is the truth.
If you are an intelligent individual that’s awesome, but intelligence is not the only requirement needed to succeed in life. There is something else.

You guessed it…networking, but when we talk about networking, what is it really?
It is communication.

Communicating with people to build relationships to progress in our careers, but also to progress in our personal lives.

Communication is a necessary skill and is essential for success, but there is a particular type of communication that is crucial for you to excel in life. One that haunts my fellow introverts, and to be honest, sometimes myself as well.

Verbal communication.

I do not disagree that written communication is important, in fact, I will defend emails, letters, WhatsApp messages and every other form of written content for the rest of this and my next life.

But verbal or spoken communication (unfortunately introverts) is needed for us to grow, not only in a place of employment but life in general.

If you are searching for independence then living on your own must be one of your goals, but obviously taking the first place you find would not be the best option.

Unless, of course, you are lucky enough to find your perfect space in your first attempt.
Either way, you would need to speak to people. Your potential landlord especially, to find out about the house or apartment that you are interested in, and more importantly to lower the rent if possible.

Or maybe you want to buy your first car instead. You would query about all the concerns that bother you when you check the car with the salesperson, or the owner if it is a private sale.

In situations like these, you would need to communicate in person. This will give you the opportunity to judge a person’s facial expression and body language, which generally aids us in knowing if people are lying or not.

When we conversate in person we can only do so through spoken speech, and words have power. Through spoken communication, we can build friendships, gain important information we might need, and it is a good way to destress because it allows us to vent.

Yes! I know introverts. We don’t talk that much because it’s how we function, we are not anti-social (well I’m not) we are just…ourselves. Verbally communicating with people, however (especially with the people you work with), can help build relationships.

The work relationships that you build are extremely influential on your progress. Being good at your job is simply not enough. The sad truth is that most of the time in a workplace decisions are made subjectively, (Unfortunately, this is how the world works) and opportunity and further training and teaching are only given to those who are favoured.

To progress at work and in life you need to speak up and vocalize your opinion, but this is easier said than done for introverts. What could be holding us back from verbally communicating with others?

You may already know the answer… fear and anxiety. These two will rob you of success.
Fear and anxiety cost me a lot of opportunities, and I had to learn that even though a good attitude, work ethic and academic skills are essential. Talking to people is crucial as well – here’s why.

You have to query about matters you don’t understand, you have to be involved in the decision-making process, and you have to grow and learn more in life.

This can only be accomplished if you put yourself out there and speak to people. I am no expert in this, I myself struggle to talk to others. But I think with practice we can get it right.


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