South Coast Fever

‘Taking the legislature to the people’

The Speaker of the KwaZulu-Natal Legislature Nontembeko Boyce thanked the community of Ugu District for participating meaningfully and ensuring that the government is kept accountable for service delivery and having their views heard beyond the election day.

Over 2000 community members from all four municipalities under the Ugu District attended the Taking Legislature to the People (TLTP) at the Ugu Sports and Leisure Centre last week.

This year’s TLTP was characterised by the different government departments and entities who provided services to the residents that included Home Affairs, Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, KZN Health with SASSA.

Speaker of the KZN Legislature Nontembeko Boyce addressing the public at the Ugu Sports and Leisure Centre.

During the two-day session, the Department of Home Affairs rendered its services to hundreds of people as part of the legislature’s voter education programme.

The Speaker of the KwaZulu-Natal Legislature Nontembeko Boyce thanked the community of Ugu District for participating meaningfully and ensuring that the government is kept accountable for service delivery and having their views heard beyond the election day.

Inkosi Bhekizizwe Nzimakwe of the KwaNzimakwe Traditional Council attends the programme by the KZN Legislature.

“We want to extend a heartfelt thank you to the community of Ugu District for attending and participating in the TLTP. Their presence and participation allowed both the Legislature and Provincial government an opportunity to report back on progress made as well as gather fresh views which is among some key features of a true democracy. The 2023 Multiparty and Taking Legislature to the People (TLTP) in the Ugu District, allowed the Legislature to track the progress on the implementation of the National Development Plan (NDP), KZN development strategy known as the Provincial Growth and Development Plan (PGDP),” said Boyce.

Members of the public came out in numbers for the programme at the Ugu Sports and Leisure Centre.


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