South Coast Fever

Locals and tourists clean-up Munster Beach

Those who embarked on the clean-up campaign are the unsung heroes of Munster Beach.

A few holidaymakers and residents in the Munster area recently came together to clean Munster Beach after the beachgoers left it in a terrible condition.

Visitor to the South Coast, Leo Stander, told Fever that following New Year’s Eve beach parties, beach fires, and fireworks, a few locals and holidaymakers embarked on a clean-up campaign at Munster Beach, to celebrate the dawn of 2023.

“A new beginning has dawned on all of us. But oh, setting foot on a beach filled with empty liquor bottles, used baby nappies, empty shopping bags, food and sweet wrappers, chicken bones galore, and all sorts of rubbish. One cannot imagine that a grateful rainbow nation can accumulate such filth, create such a cesspool of rubbish and show such disrespect and disregard for fellow beachgoers who set out to enjoy the first month of 2023. I was awestruck by the mess our fellow citizens created on the beach,” said Stander, adding that they first decided to clean the beach on a public holiday, January 1.

He said being a public holiday with no municipal services available to clean the beach, he decided to make a u-turn and return home.
He added: “Then I noticed four local people, Nghambile Nzimakwe, Mnike Shusha, Lindelani Nxotsa, Thembisle Mpisane, and holidaymakers, Stephanie and Ingrid Stander entering the beach area with black bags and all sorts of empty plastic shopping bags – and they were definitely not shopping. Leo was also among the clean-up crew. They formed a pack and embarked on a serious drive to clean the mess that their ill-disciplined and disrespectful fellow beach-goers created, with a determination not to allow them to spoil the beach for others. It took the magnificent seven almost three hours to rid the beach of all the New Year’s day litter.”
Stander described those who embarked on the cleaning campaign as seven, unseen, and unsung heroes of Munster Beach.


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