Flood relief cheques for SMMEs

The handover ceremony was done recently at the ZG Community Hall in Gamalakhe.

A number of small businesses on the South Coast recently received business equipment from Minister of Small Business Development, Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, as part of the Informal and Micro Enterprise Development Programme (IMEDP).

The Small Enterprise Development Agency (Seda) told Fever that a total of 37 point of sales equipment were handed over to small businesses along with 39 machineries.
The handover ceremony was done recently at the ZG Community Hall in Gamalakhe.

The agency said 14 other small businesses that were affected by the recent floods were issued cheques as part of the Flood Relief Scheme.

Siyabonga Sanele Shazi who received two brush cutters said he was very happy to receive the equipment, saying that he will now add an employee on top of the two he already has because he now has more equipment.

Zama Zuma of Zakhanye Fitness, received a cheque after her equipment was affected by the recent floods.
“I will be buying gym equipment such as treadmills and bicycles. My gym is located in Mthwalume and the other is in Park Rynie,” said Zuma

Minister of Small Business Development, Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams (left) with Ward 28 councillor Bekithemba Zulu. PHOTO: NTANDOYENKOSI DLAMINI

Meanwhile, Seda hosted its 14th Annual Stakeholder Forum recently held at the Ugu Sports and Leisure Centre in Gamalakhe under the theme “Ecosystem Collaboration Enhanced to Accelerate the Growth of Small Businesses”.

Minister Ndabeni-Abrahams was also part of the forum which included a round table dialogue with the private sector and SMMEs.

During the forum, Nkosikhona Mbatha of Seda provided an update on the overall performance of Seda in the 2021/22 financial year.
Mbatha said Seda supported 181 984 SMMEs and cooperatives, adding that Seda achieved an unqualified audit opinion and also achieved and exceeded in 80% of its set targets for 2021/22.

Also, private sector representatives outlined opportunities for small businesses under their supplier development programmes.
Some of the challenges highlighted by the private sector include duplication of effort by the government and the private sector in enterprise development.
Private sector representatives called for better understanding and collaboration, while some indicated that they have moved away from closed tendering processes and ensuring access to local and international markets for small businesses.


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