South Coast Fever

Duduzane Zuma visits Umthwalume

The former president's son had officially opened the Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Mhlanganyelwa Zuma block and the Duduzane Zuma smart classroom at the Gobhela Primary School.

On what seems to be a campaign trail, Duduzane Zuma was seen walking the streets of Umthwalume with residents on Saturday.

The son of former president, Jacob Zuma, is gunning for the position of president of the African National Congress. The party’s national elective conference for the presidential position is scheduled for December.

Zuma could be seen around placards which read: “Duduzane Zuma (DZ) is the solution to South African problems, “DZ 2022/2024”, “reset, rebuild and redistribute”, “youth must participate in economic transformation”, and more.

Zuma said when he talks about redistribution, he talks in terms of wealth and an equitable stake for black people. “Why redistribute? Because wealth is obviously sitting in a certain grouping of people’s hands and it needs to trickle down to the people. You listen to budget votes, budget speeches, the people that distribute budgets in this country, they are not from here, never been to the South Coast, they do not understand the material socio-economic conditions that are on the ground. They sit somewhere else and they make decisions for us without consulting us and that needs to change,” said Zuma, adding that decisions need to be reflective of the majority.

He added that besides building infrastructure, roads, rails and ports need to be built. He said rebuilding is about creating an economy that is beneficial to everybody, adding that he believes that it is time for them to create a system that is independent of everything that is happening in the country.

“We also need to reset the way we think, approach things, and engage with each other because we need to elevate and play at a much higher level. Every time we sit and have caucuses, events, and gatherings when we turn on the news, decisions have been and nothing said is reflective of the decisions that have been taken,” he said.

During his visit to Umthwalume, Zuma was prayed for by a pastor in God’s Grace Ministries International Church. Zuma’s recent visit in the area rubbed the Mathulini Traditional Council the wrong way following a dispute over the naming of a classroom block after former president Jacob Zuma.

The former president’s son had officially opened the Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Mhlanganyelwa Zuma block and the Duduzane Zuma smart classroom at the Gobhela Primary School.

However, the Mathulini Traditional Authority informed the school management that it is against the area’s association with the Zuma family.


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