Margate police clerk retires

After 29 years in the South African Police Service, Charmaine Vorster has retired. Vorster served as a chief administration clerk at the Margate police station before retiring. According to Margate police spokesperson, Sergeant Sibu Ncane, Vorster began working for the SAPS as a clerk at the Harding police station in 1993, adding that she later

After 29 years in the South African Police Service, Charmaine Vorster has retired.

Vorster served as a chief administration clerk at the Margate police station before retiring.

According to Margate police spokesperson, Sergeant Sibu Ncane, Vorster began working for the SAPS as a clerk at the Harding police station in 1993, adding that she later became the station’s police reservist.

The following year she was transferred to Margate SAPS and worked in various departments.

“In the pursuit of equality and fairness in the workplace, Vorster became a union representative until 2020,” said Ncane.

He added that in 2006, Vorster was promoted to chief administration clerk at Ezinqoleni SAPS.

Vorster returned to Margate police station in 2011 until her retirement.

“She appreciates all the courses and training the SAPS afforded her which enabled her to be the best employee and an efficient union representative,” said Ncane.

Margate SAPS Station Commander, Brigadier William Slabbert, on behalf of the station’s management, thanked Vorster for her commitment and loyalty to the organisation, adding that he wishes her a fulfilling and happy retirement.

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