
Palm trees ‘mowed’ down in Ramsgate

"This happened about two weeks ago, and not to mention the branches are still lying on the pavement." - ANT BRODOWICZ.

I would like to complain about the Ray Nkonyeni Municipality (RNM) team that cut down beautiful palms in Louisa Road in Ramsgate.

Whoever is in charge of them has clearly not instructed them on how to do their job properly or on what to trim and what not to trim.

This particular palm takes ages to grow, and these particular ones are about 10 years old, and it was just mowed down.

This happened about two weeks ago, and not to mention the branches are still lying on the pavement.
What a disgrace!


* This complainant was sent to RNM, and a reply is awaited.

What was left behind after the palms were ‘trimmed’.


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