
OPINION: Square pegs and round holes

The cabinet’s old guard should have been totally eradicated from their cushy jobs and been put out to pasture to live off their well-padded pensions.

There is an old joke that if one plays a country song backwards, the farmer’s wife and children come back home, there are wonderful crops in the field and even the family dog returns.

Well, except for some really surprising and even amazingly bizarre cabinet appointments, this seems like the record of our cabinet appointments is being played backwards!

This juncture presented a prime declaration of intent to show my fellow South Africans that their concerns about a state in the process of self-destruct had been heard and they wanted change and action.

The cabinet’s old guard should have been totally eradicated from their cushy jobs and been put out to pasture to live off their well-padded pensions.

There is a wealth of vibrant, bright young minds in our land, available and willing to help guide the staggering ship away from the dangerous shoals of ineptness.

Failing a redress and removing of the kettle scale, the other failing, in my humble opinion, is the placing of square pegs in round holes.

How can one who is supposedly adept at sharpening colour pencils and drawing up school timetables, now to be considered suitably wired for the task of motivating soldiers to defend their homeland? Really?

I do not imply the person is not able and willing (hope said minister likes parachuting, can swim and does not get seasick) but does the educational background of the one career dovetail in with the other one?

Although I seem to remember a medical practitioner being handed the job of minister of internal affairs.

Maybe these crossover positions have a very strong communications department that feeds the goldfish.

I hope the minister of agriculture is mounted on a strong ox that enables him to use the ox’s horns to improve a policy of police involvement to more adequately protect our farmers.

Without those long-suffering citizens who provides the food we put on our tables, we would be in the same predicament as our northern neighbour.

So, interesting times indeed.
Let’s all pray that our citizen number one has done the best for us all and not the best for him and his cadres.

Batho Pele.



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