OPINION: Open letter to authorities regarding taxi blockade

The situation caused immense concern for parents with children stuck in schools, as well as for business owners who were unable to trade.

I am writing this open letter as a concerned resident of Port Shepstone to seek clarification and express my distress regarding the events that transpired on May 23.

On this day, taxi operators blocked all access to our town for about six hours, resulting in significant disruption and anxiety among the residents.

During the blockade, no vehicles were able to enter or exit Port Shepstone. This situation caused immense concern for parents with children stuck in schools, as well as for business owners who were unable to trade. Most critically, access to essential emergency services, including hospitals and healthcare facilities, was completely cut off, posing a severe risk to the health and well-being of our community.

I am deeply troubled by these events and have several questions that I hope the relevant authorities can address:
Freedom of Movement: Section 21 of the Constitution guarantees everyone the right to freedom of movement.

How is it that the blockade, which restricted this fundamental right, was allowed to occur?

Right to Education: Section 29 of the Constitution ensures everyone has the right to a basic education. What measures were taken to ensure that the educational rights and safety of our children were protected during this incident?

Right to Dignity: Section 10 of the Constitution upholds the right to inherent dignity and the right to have dignity respected and protected. How does the inaction of law enforcement during the blockade align with this right, considering the fear and anxiety experienced by residents?

Freedom and Security of the Person: Section 12 of the Constitution guarantees everyone the right to freedom and security of the person, including protection from all forms of violence. What steps are being taken to ensure such a threat to our security does not recur?

Access to Healthcare: Section 27 of the Constitution provides the right to access healthcare services. What protocols are in place to prevent the blocking of access to essential healthcare services in future incidents?
Economic Rights: Section 22 of the Constitution grants every citizen the right to choose their trade, occupation, or profession freely. How will the authorities ensure that businesses are not unjustly prevented from operating, as they were during this blockade?

Additionally, the actions of the taxi operators might constitute public violence under the Criminal Procedures Act 51 of 1977. What legal actions are being considered to hold those responsible accountable?
The inaction of law enforcement agencies during this critical period is also of great concern. It is essential that we understand why immediate measures were not taken to resolve the situation and protect our constitutional rights.

I think the relevant authorities should:

1. Conduct a thorough investigation into the events of May 23.

2. Hold accountable those responsible for the unlawful blockade.

3. Implement measures to prevent such incidents in the future and ensure the protection of residents’ constitutional rights.

4. Engage with the taxi operators to address their grievances in a lawful and orderly manner.

The community of Port Shepstone deserves assurances that our rights and safety will be upheld.


The concerns of the author of the letter are noted and legitimate. As the municipality, we facilitated a meeting with the leadership of the South African National Taxi Council (Santaco) to establish the cause of the blockade, but also to find a solution to whatever that had led to the blockade.
The subsequent meeting that was held in the afternoon which had several relevant stakeholders together with Santaco agree on the way forward, which included their grievances.
The other issues raised in the letter are for Law Enforcement Agencies.

Ray Nkonyeni Municipality spokesperson


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