
OPINION: Gravel pit for Ray Nkonyeni?

The condition of the roads is under the spotlight.

Two months ago I submitted a Notice of Motion to the March council meeting of Ray Nkonyeni Municipality in order to address the need for better service delivery in the community.

This motion wanted the council to source and provide a gravel pit for the roads department of the municipality.

This is especially relevant in light of our recent floods and the condition of roads throughout the municipality.

The failure of the Speaker’s office and the municipal manager to table the motion is indicative of their attitude towards service delivery generally.

I will keep re-submitting this motion until the roads in this municipality are attended to.


Ward 1 Councillor


I wish to indicate that the Municipal Manager addressed matters around this motion in the council meeting held on April 23 this year.

The councillor was part of this meeting. It is now puzzling that the councillor has decided to write to the media regarding this matter. That’s all that one can say.


RNM spokesman


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