
A.N. Singh’s Point of View: Transportation is a basic need

Whatever the case may be, you would need a vehicle to get to your destination.

Being able to travel from one place to another whenever you want should never be taken for granted, because transportation is extremely important. It is a basic need that assists us in performing everyday tasks.

Unfortunately, it is a need that many people are without, and the lack of this necessity makes a simple thing like grocery shopping a difficult challenge because you won’t have the resources to do the task.

Perhaps you enjoy going to the gym instead, or the movies, or maybe you are like me and you prefer going to the beach. Whatever the case may be, you would need a vehicle to get to your destination. Having this resource is freedom; it gives you the independence to go anywhere you want and do everything you need to.

For instance picture this…it’s Saturday morning and you have just woken up, you are about to make breakfast and there’s no milk. So you think; okay…I’ll go to a nearby store, or into town, or maybe the mall to buy the milk and other groceries. It’s a simple task. Just jump in your car, buy your groceries; come back home, but how do you do this if you don’t have the wheels? Back in the day a horse and carriage served as transportation to perform everyday tasks, today we still make use of four wheels, it’s just not being pulled by a horse. It’s being driven by people. Unless you have a cow at the back of your yard that you are milking every morning, you would need to drive to a store to purchase some milk.

Another purpose that transportation serves in addition to aiding us to complete our everyday tasks, is safety. I never knew what a ‘para’ was until I met one who wanted to stab me for a two rand.
I used to go for evening classes after work when I attended college, and on one unfortunate Wednesday, the person who used to give me a lift home couldn’t help me because he had a family matter to attend to. So I walked home; there were no taxis available. It was just after 18:30 and as I was walking I heard whistling, someone trying to get my attention. He asked if I had a two rand, I replied no and began walking hastily. This angered him.

He followed me and grabbed my shoulder, persisting for a two rand. When I said I don’t have money, and I’m in a hurry to get home, this angered him further. His exact words were “I’m going to stab you now,” reaching into his jacket as he spoke. Whether he was lying or not, I didn’t know, and I wasn’t going to ask. In that moment the only thought that crossed my mind was ‘run’, so I did. Now thinking about it I’m frustrated that I didn’t defend myself, but also glad I didn’t lose my life for a two rand.

Now! None of this would have happened if I had transportation to go home. If you are in a situation where you have an emergency, you will need your own vehicle. Having your own vehicle is no longer a want, it is a need. So whether you are ill and you need to go to a hospital, or your child needs you to take them somewhere urgently, or you are running away from someone who wants to stab you for a two rand, you would need transportation. If only we had wings… but I’m sure some evil scientist somewhere in the world is developing a pair.

Transportation is just as important as shelter, education and even healthcare. Without it, we would not be able to complete everyday tasks or have security.


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