
OPINION: South Africa’s free fall to disaster can be stopped

"Let us rescue our beautiful country. Make sure that you are behind respected democrats."

The upcoming national and provincial elections have secured a vital place in the minds of all objective and clear thinking South Africans.

The reason is obvious: another five years of corruptive rule will result in the realistic nightmare that there will be no country left to govern in the future.

The hard facts are that, after almost 30 years into the new democracy, SA has deteriorated from a first world country with a comprehensive infrastructure, into a third world country with extremely poor living conditions, especially for the underprivileged.

Insecurity has shamefully obtained our country the infamous title of ‘having the highest crime rate in the world’.
Closer to home, service delivery in the form of normal infrastructure (water supply, proper roads, clean and kept verges etc) which, a few years ago heralded RNM (doubtfully) the best run municipality in KZN, has deteriorated so fast that many residents are thinking of illegally withholding paying rates and water accounts.

A considerable number of people are planning to leave the South Coast.
There is a solution. The government and local administration have had ample time to prove that they can govern democratically and produce sound administration. To be frank, they have failed dismally.

Democratic parties, in trustworthy coalitions, can turn this country and South Coast around, like what has happened in the Western Cape.

In conclusion, just a serious reminder: history has proven that God allowed leaders to be appointed and, if they fail corruptively, He removes them without notice.
The time has arrived that extremely perverse government will be removed.
Let us rescue our beautiful country. Make sure that you are behind respected democrats.



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