BRONWYN TANNER: Tuning In – Cupcakes 4 kids with Cancer fundraiser coming up

Community news and events for the mid-South Coast area.

A question for the management of Checkers in Scottburgh: Why are there no public toilets/washroom facilities? Are there any plans to build them?

Eskom outdid themselves in Pennington last weekend. Loadshedding was due to take place on Friday at 21:00. The electricity went off at about 20:45 and didn’t return until 13:30 on Saturday. Then to add insult to injury, some parts of Pennington went off again for another four hours from 16:00 to 20:00. A message from a friend in the USA who wanted to connect via Zoom at 16:00 on Saturday: “Your electric company is horrible.” I think that pretty much covers it!

Pennington Conservancy has created new signs to make recycling easier on Wednesday mornings at Relton Hall. Thank you.

The new recycling signage by Pennington Conservancy.

* Don’t forget about the Cupcakes 4 kids with Cancer fundraiser on Thursday, October 5. Help raise funds for an amazing initiative – child cancer awareness – at 142 Scott Street, Scottburgh. For further information contact 073 1518538.

* Pennington Ski Boat Club presents the 2023 Potjie Competition on Saturday, October 7 from 10:00. Registration fee is R100. Email the secretary:

* The Rec Club Market Day in Pennington at Relton Hall is being held on Saturday, October 7 from 09:00 to noon.

* Pennington Tidy Towns is hosting a golf day on lucky Friday, October 13 at Selborne at 11:00. Book the 4 ball now at the pro shop on 039 975 8500.

* A pink walk takes place on Thursday, October 19, starting at Scottburgh beach at 07:00. There will be a speaker to discuss breast cancer awareness.

* There will be a Durban High School (DHS) old boys social evening. The CEO of the DHS Foundation Trust, Andrew Shedlock extend an invitation to all DHS old boys to attend a social get-together at the Scottburgh Country Club on Thursday, November 2 at 17:30. Join in for an evening of sharing memories with fellow old boys and hearing more from the CEO about the developments at DHS in recent times.

* Umdoni Retirement Village is hosting a Christmas market on Saturday, November 25 from 08:30 to 12:30. Vendors are required. Tables cost R140. Contact Lesley Perchman on 083 2871296.

Heather and Tony Butler in their Heritage Day bests.


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