BRONWYN TANNER: Tuning In – Locals thanked for cleaning up town

Community news and events for the mid-South Coast.

It’s the first week of August and four months to December/Christmas/New Year. It’s such a sobering thought. Happy Women’s Month.

Two kind gents, Rajen Moodley and Mason Maharaj took it upon themselves to clear up in Crompton Road, Umkomaas. The community extended so much gratitude via the community chat groups.

Mason Maharaj does his share for the Umkomaas community.

A request from Elder’s Voice in Pennington: If any kind person can help with the loan of a kombi to fetch and carry old folks to the hospital, doctors and pension collection pint as their kombi was hit by a drunk driver and it will cost R48 000 to repair, and of course no insurance coming forth. Please contact Joanne Herbst on 079 0286379.

A request has been received for items for Christmas shoeboxes which go to Alex Park, Amcup, together with some pensioners and needy children. Contact Rix Windell on
072 1108988. Items required: toothpaste, toothbrush, small hand cream, soap, facecloth, roll-on deodorant, small bag of sweets, small bag of biscuits and socks for men. The same items for children if they are older than 10, together with a new item of clothing and something to use at school. Smaller children get a toy and a piece of clothing and something for school. Community members can put anything into the shoebox, eg. chips, etc.

• There is a market at Relton Hall, Pennington on this Saturday (5th). It promises to be loads of fun. For more information contact 083 6539164.
• Pennington Conservancy presents Nibs van der Spuy performing under the fig tree at Nkomba on Saturday, August 26. Bookings can be made by contacting 083 4415084. Cost is R150 per person. Pre-payment by August 23. Bring your own picnic, refreshments and chair.


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