OPINION: When it comes to cleaning up we need more people like these Guy(s)

Dumping has become a very big problem.

Tidy Towns Ramsgate received a photo on Tuesday, January 31 from a concerned citizen about a huge pile of rubbish that had been dumped across the road from Southcity school, just before the highway.

Asking if this could be sorted out, I posted a request onto Tidy Towns Ramsgate WhatsApp and Facebook pages asking for help to get all the rubbish picked up and taken to Oatlands dump.

In a matter of minutes a local resident and businessman from Ramsgate offered to clean up the area on Wednesday morning during loadshedding – as he couldn’t do anything at work during loadshedding.

Bakkie loads of black bags are taken to the dump.

Guy Spittal went to the site first thing on Wednesday, February 1 and soon realised he would need his bakkie and trailer.
Guy, together with his workers, loaded 1.2 tons of household black bags of rubbish that had been dumped on the side of the road and took all this rubbish to Oatlands.

He let me know that there was still building rubble, thatching and garden refuse that he couldn’t load.
Thanks to Guy and his workers for going out of their way and doing this for us.

I posted a thank you with photos on Tidy Towns Ramsgate WhatsApp and Facebook pages, asking if anyone could help with the building rubble, thatching and garden refuse.

Bakkie loads of black bags are taken to the dump.

Again, and within minutes, Jeffery Smith said he would sort it out.
True to his word, a group of his workers were on site the next morning (Thursday) and cleared the balance of the mess up.
Thank you to Jeffery for this gesture.
Dumping has become a very big problem and without residents and businessmen like Guy and Jeffrey, we as Tidy Towns Ramsgate could never cope.

Tidy Towns Ramsgate


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