
Tuning in: Water woes brought about unity

The Westcott Family offered borehole water. A very helpful Cyprian, as well as Liz, all in Cherry Lane.

Hello May, bye bye April. Your time is up!

Eid Mubarak to all our Muslim friends and community.

The water has returned and I am grateful. Having a hot shower was the most wonderful feeling. Listening to the water whoosh into the washing machine was indeed spiritual.

ALSO READ: Tuning in: Events rescheduled due to weather

There are a number of people to thank for their assistance during the water crisis: Mark and Karen Davy supplied drinking water (borehole) from 44 Cherry Lane. Gunther Wurcher supplied borehole water at 48 Cherry Lane. Many litres of water was supplied. The members of the Scottburgh Mosque, the NG Kerk Scottburgh, councillors Shara Singh and Eddie Baptie, the Khan family at 8 Impathle Road who supplied bottled water to anyone who needed it.

This is the damage to the R102, Scottburgh since April 11 with no visible signs of anything being done to correct and or fix it. This causes the people of Umdoni to have to take many, many detours – on roads which are dreadful.

Irene Davy thanks her son Mark Davy for all the help with the water problems during the past week, ‘we had good showers and many bottles of water to myself and my friends at Coral Wild’. The Westcott Family offered borehole water. A very helpful Cyprian, as well as Liz, all in Cherry Lane.

Reminder: The Khanya Hospice Golf Day is this Sunday (8th) at Umdoni Golf Club. The format is a betterball Stableford at R250 per person excluding meals and cart. Bookings are essential. Contact 039 9751320 or 083 5978985. Tee off time will be 11:00 and there are great prizes to be won.

I know the community will join me in sending heartfelt condolences to the Braun family, Scarlet van Rensburg and friends on the sad passing of Clint and young Alexis.

Pennington Ratepayers’ and Residents’ Association has organised a Pothole Repair Project 2022 and are asking for donations from the community in this regard.

This community and self-help project is as a direct result of the recent community meetings held in Pennington and we would like to thank all those who attended.

Givemore Danda and Patrick Tite went the extra mile for their community by delivering water.

Its purpose is to repair the potholes in Pennington. There can be no doubt that some of these potholes compromise our safety and potentially can cause damage to our vehicles, and must be addressed as a matter of urgency. This project will be funded through donations and managed by a team of professionally qualified volunteers.

The administration of the project will be undertaken by the Pennington Ratepayers’ and Residents’ Association, a registered non-profit organisation: Registration No: 2022/376025/08.

All roads in Pennington have been assessed and prioritised. These priorities have been based upon various criteria. For example, safety (i.e. size and immediate danger to the public), road usage, road importance (i.e. access to businesses, clinic, etc). All donations relating to this project (Pothole Repair Project 2022) will be utilised for this project only.

For banking details and further information email


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