
‘Why the urgent name change?’

Farewell Hibiscus - some still revere and appreciate your name.

DEAR Editor,-

Was the underlying reason for the new name change sincerely debated and justified by the people and leaders of our municipality?

What was the projected cost of this name change and was a cost/benefit analysis ever conducted? What was the opportunity cost in terms of what would be foregone to make way for this name change?

In an already financially-strapped municipality, is the name change such a serious and pressing priority and are there not more urgent matters that need attention? Such as water supply and sanitation services to desperate communities; repairs to damaged roads and infrastructure; addressing the needs of informal settlements; the needs of the poor living within the municipality, and other public sector goods and service provisions, just to mention a few.

What was the urgency behind this? Could the name change not have waited until the municipality is in a better financial position? Is the municipality not in breach of its prioritised obligations of providing basic needs to many poor people first, in terms of the constitution of our land?

Hibiscus is a name of an indigenous plant, that captures the natural beauty, mystery and wonder of our unique, natural environment. Hibiscus existed along our coastline, long before any of us existed. It is an attractive name, signifying the diverse, resilient, amazing species of our district and shows respect for Mother Nature. It became an image built on consistency and is known by this name throughout the world.

Could we not have kept the name Hibiscus? Was Hibiscus part of any oppressive regime? Are the heroes, heroines and leaders that are worthy of being remembered and emulated, from the history of humanity, only to be found in political activists from the past 50 years. Is it hard to find anything else to revere other than political activists?

Do we always need to make only political statements with a name change? Can we not make statements to remember other significances such as protecting the environment? Universal issues like nature, sport or spirituality etc. Can we not, sometimes, think beyond politics? It would be interesting to know who gets the tender for all the new signage and branding. They must be to be monitored.

Once again, what was the urgency of this name change when there are more dire needs? Finally, did the taxpayers of this municipality truthfully and responsibly agree to this spending of their hard-earned money?



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