Mukuna brothers are a delight at CS Learning

Both boys love to play outside and are often found in the garden beds with the mud, leaves and sticks.

Seth (6) and MK (3) Mukuna are two little whirlwinds of energy who bring vitality and vigour with them to CS Learning Centre every day.

Seth is doing well in the classroom as he learns to read and count and he amazes everyone with his cognitive abilities. He has a delightful laugh that bursts out of him in the midst of playing a game.

Seth’s ‘Spiderman’ abilities certainly come out on the playground and occasionally in the classroom as he climbs, leaps and bounds with abandon.

His little brother MK is not far behind him in physical prowess, as he loves to fling himself into the air and land where he can.

MK loves to swing high, and if given the option, the learning centre is sure he would take off and fly away.

With adorable smiles, MK is learning the classroom rules and routines and is growing daily.


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