
Bike day fun at Creston

There has been a lot happening at the school lately.

The Pre-primary at Creston came together to celebrate World Bike Day last week. The field was filled with laughter and excitement as learners enjoyed riding their bikes.

Even the Grade 7s joined in and having lots of fun themselves. Parents also joined in the fun, getting their steps in by pushing their children around the field on their bikes.

Creston recently celebrated the birthday of executive head Noel Coetzee, recognizing his inspiring leadership.

Grade Rs showcased winter creativity by painting snowmen, while Grade 3 artists captured the essence of Pompeii through their paintings.

The Junior Primary soccer and hockey teams demonstrated commendable effort and team spirit at the Port Edward Sports Festival.

Grade 3 learners mastered Microsoft Word by typing invitations, and Grade 7s presented an innovative technology project by designing a camouflaged cellphone tower.

Thriyal Lalla, in Grade 8, achieved a Class Award for her Grade 4 ballet exam from the Royal Academy of Dance.

The High School Interact collection drive for pet food for the SPCA resulted in approximately 144kg of food, delivered by six members who also spent time with the animals.

The first team boys’ hockey received their step-out kit sponsored by the Peterson Family, while the first team girls’ netball received their dresses sponsored by the Tarr and Green families.

At the final assembly, Gemma Allchin, in Grade 11, presented a cheque of R64 197 to South Coast Hospice’s Fundraising Coordinator, BT King, surpassing her goal of R50 000 raised by swimming 100km in segments. This remarkable achievement was made possible through Back-a-Buddy and private donations.


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