
Karate demo was a hit

Learners engaged with karateka after the demonstration.

An exciting karate demonstration was held at Scottburgh High School earlier this month.

“This was definitely a world class event for the learners,” said Sensei Stephen Kentridge.

Kentridge added that the demonstration was a collaboration of the Ippon Dojo, Pennington and the Karate South Africa Proteas.

At the demo (from left) are Sensei Stephen Kentridge, Kevin Atkinson, Xander Links and Jared Atkinson.

Teen Sensei Jared Atkinson and Xander Links kicked off the action. The karateka have been training together since the age of four and put on an exhilarating performance.

The learners showed great enthusiasm and engaged with the karateka as well.
To find out more about local karate, call 076 8454961.

Scottburgh High learners and staff watch the demonstration attentively.


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