
Ugu colours for Izotsha sports stars

Izotsha Primary School is proud of the learners who have been awarded their UGU colours in their respective sports codes

Four Izotsha Primary learners have gained Ugu sports colours, Ryan Brewitt for hockey and Olivia Browne, Ethan Browne and Luke Borchers for tennis.

There was a buzz of excitement on Tuesday morning as learners returned to school after their three-week, mid-year winter holiday.
Children and teachers were all so pleased to see one another again.

The intermediate and senior phases had an exciting awards assembly last Friday, where the top academic achievers were acknowledged.

The top 10 learners from each grade received a certificate. Smart badges (gold, silver and bronze) were awarded to top achievers.

Grade 3 learners commemorated Mandela Day by collecting jackets and jerseys for Siyakwazi Resource Centre.

Extra-curricular activities began last week with Jaguar practice on Monday, Leopard on Tuesday, Panther on Wednesday and cross-country on Thursday.


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