
PS Senior Primary learners enjoy reading aloud

It also promotes literacy and exposes learners to vocabulary.

Schools around the world celebrated the importance of reading and sharing stories by reading aloud on February 1

This day is dedicated not just to reading, but to the practise of reading aloud. In early times, oral methods of communication were used to share stories.

This day helps us bring back this tradition while promoting literacy and exposing learners to vocabulary.

At Port Shepstone Senior Primary (PSSP), reading aloud was extended for the week in order to conscientise learners about the importance of reading. Learners thoroughly enjoyed the activity which was implemented during the daily reading period.

Learners were also encouraged to read aloud during content lessons.

In addition to the eventful week, PSSP held its term one Grade 7 monitor induction on February 3, in which 56 young leaders accepted their leadership roles at a special assembly.
The principal, along with staff at PSSP, congratulates all those who were selected.

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