
Izotsha’s eco-club collects tons of waste paper

Learners keep busy ahead of holiday.

The Eco-Club at Izotsha Primary held a successful waste paper drive where two tons of paper was collected.

The winners were announced last Friday. Grade 5H was the overall winner in the Intermediate and Senior Phase and Grade 2S was the winner in the Foundation Phase.

Each member of the winning classes was given a KFC chicken burger, chips and juice by George Allison of KFC at assembly.

Mr Allison was most impressed with the recycling project as all KFC boxes are fully recyclable too. Thanks to KFC for the generous gesture.

Both phases hosted a most successful 80s themed barn dance fundraiser last Friday afternoon and evening. A special thank you to all the teachers who contributed towards the success of the two events.

The school is exceptionally proud of Blake Hogan who recently travelled to the 10th Commonwealth Karate Championships held in Birmingham from September 4 – 14.

Blake participated in the 12/13 U55kg Kumite category and placed ninth out of 30. He then went to Cape Town where he participated in the Karate South Africa Cape Town league championships from September 16 to 18.

Blake achieved a silver medal in his division, coming second out of 16 athletes from around the country. Congratulations to Blake!

The much anticipated Grade 7 Market Day was also held.

Wishing all our Izotsha families a happy holiday!


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