Izotsha Primary starts Term 3 on a high note

The school took time to honour the late Neville Richards, who died this year, not long after his retirement.

The first week of the third term at Izotsha Primary has flown by very quickly.

The school is exceptionally proud of Leah Andrews, who was recently awarded her KZN Coastals Primary Schools U13B hockey colours, at Hilton College.

Winter sports programme begin this week offering athletics and cross-country.

The school hosted a memorial service at Norwegian Settlers Church last Friday for the late Neville Richards, who retired as principal early last year, .

A number of heart-warming tributes were made that highlighted who he was and what a wonderful legacy he has left behind.

The Grade 4-7 learners sang his favourite song ‘To Fill The World with Love’.

Support staff sang a most song to honour him.

The service was followed by a lovely tea gathering in the hall.

The learners are to be commended on their excellent behaviour before, during and after the service.


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