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Concerns over run-down camera room

The municipality plans to renovate the camera room by the end of the month.

Margate‘s camera room is in a state of disrepair, and it has been like this for years.

The Herald was tipped off about the general state of this room/building and cameras not working.

The concerning issue is that employees of the municipality have to work in these appalling conditions for many years.

Inside the building, there is green mould on the walls, which is a health hazard to those working there.

Continuous exposure to mould is known to affect the respiratory system and trigger asthma attacks and allergic reactions.

The municipality plans to renovate Margate’s camera room. The door also needs to be replaced.

After five minutes inside the building, the journalist had to step outside for a breath of air.

The radios are also believed to be non-functional, so there is no backup in case of an emergency.

The spokesperson of Ray Nkonyeni Municipality, Simon April, acknowledged the poor conditions of Margate’s camera room and said it’s due for renovations by the end of September.

The camera room located in Oslo Beach is exploring new technology, however, this may only be done in 2026.


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