Overwhelming support for fire victims

The South Coast community has rallied to help those affected by the fire at Anchors Aweigh in Hibberdene.

The support, help and donations for the victims of a fire that ripped through Anchors Aweigh in Hibberdene last Saturday has been overwhelming.

Councillor Tessa Perryman said that on behalf of the victims, body corporate and herself, they truly appreciate all the phone calls, offers of help and donations, including from non-profit organisations, who are trying to collect for those at Anchors Aweigh.

Perryman said nine units burnt down, of which three housed permanent residents. Six of the units were holiday homes.

One car was completely burnt in the blaze.

She explained that the four displaced residents are a couple and two men. However, Perryman confirmed that they have accommodation and have what they need for now.

Homes, and a car were burnt in the blaze. PHOTO BY JOHANNIELIE WESSELS

“The body corporate is in discussions with the insurers. We don’t know what will be needed in the future. Once this has been determined, it will be made public, and another call for help and donations will be made,” she said.

Simon April, spokesperson of Ray Nkonyeni Municipality (RNM), said it is alleged that the blaze started from a braai fire.

“Anchors Aweigh is a complex with 167 properties, mainly roofed with thatch. Thirteen firefighters from RNM, Ugu District Municipality and Umzumbe Municipality fire services were dispatched. On arrival at 17:38, it was discovered that six units were fully engulfed, and later, seven units were completely burnt down, and two units were partially damaged.” he said.

It was an incredible team effort from residents, Community Police Forum members of Hibberdene, farmers, Gladiator Security Services, Lazer 911, police and firefighters to get the fire under control in the gale-force winds.

The mayor of RNM, Clr Zodwa Mzindle, thanked all who got involved to prevent the fire from spreading.

“If it wasn’t for the hard work of all those involved, the fire could have spread and caused more damage. I salute the men and women who ignored the strong winds and put their lives on the line to ensure minimum damage,” said Mzindle.

One of the homes gutted by the fire.


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