Dementia in spotlight at Stonecroft meeting

There will be no meeting in July due to school holidays and the next meeting will be on August 23.

There was an interesting variety of entertainment, inspiration and motivation at Stonecroft‘s June meeting last Friday.

Dr Lizel Gagiano spoke on dementia and Alzheimer’s – two very complicated subjects, but she had the gift of being able to explain them in layman’s terms.

She said that when evaluating someone who is reporting memory loss or has a concerned family member, one must keep in mind that the spectrum of neuro-cognitive decline is roughly classified as mild, moderate and severe.

She touched on various preventative strategies, including blood pressure control, healthy eating, exercise, weight management, not smoking and low or no alcohol consumption.

Brian and Linda Hansell.

She invited questions from the floor, which were numerous and varied, which she graciously answered in detail.

Pastor Denise Adam Barnard gave a moving address on ‘Our Twilight Years and God’.

She shared a story about a friend of hers and the devotion he showed to his wife through a long marriage.

When his wife finally had to be placed in care for dementia, her husband devotedly visited every day, even though she did not know him.

When friends would encourage him, for his own health, not to visit regularly as she no longer knew him, he would say: ‘No, but I know her.’

Those at the well-attended meeting at the Shelly Beach Methodist Church hall were entertained by the very talented musical duo of Harvey and John.

Accompanied by piano and guitar, they delighted the audience with their selection of music.

Delicious tea was made and served by the unflappable WA ladies.

They took the full hall in their stride, as usual, and Stonecroft is very grateful to them.

There will be no meeting in July due to school holidays, and the next meeting will be on August 23.

Dr Lizel Gagiano.


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