Good Samaritans lend helping hand

Help is always needed at Khanya Hospice in Umkomaas.

Khanya Hospice is always grateful for whatever help the organisation may receive from the public, be it with cash donations, goods donated or volunteers.

Doonside residents Dennis Jarvis and Peter Matthew recently arrived at the hospice house in Umkomaas to offer their services.

The men had come across a newspaper article regarding the poor state in which some medical equipment was returned to hospice, specifically wheelchairs.

Both men sadly lost their wives to cancer last year and decided that they would now like to do their bit for hospice by trying to repair the wheelchairs and other equipment to the best of their abilities.

The demand for wheelchairs is always great, so this kind gesture from good people (as described by the hospice staff) will definitely help.

Now that one matter is being resolved for hospice, the staff would also like to notify the public that it is in need of garden volunteers.

The staff are always busy with patients and hardly have the time to see to maintaining the garden at the hospice house.

Before seeing patients last Friday, Sr Mariane Visagie and Godfrey Ndlovu tidied up the garden, but help will be needed in the future.

Volunteers can contact 083 5978985 or

Dennis Jarvis (left) and Peter Matthew repair wheelchairs for hospice.


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