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Winners take home big prizes at open day

The open day allowed various customers to view the different products being sold by the hardware store.

Amos Hardware Port Edward recently hosted a lively open day featuring various activities and treats for attendees.

Children enjoyed a jumping castle and face painting while everyone indulged in hot dogs and cool drinks.

Sakhumzi Ntoyana (right) wins a kettle from Amos Hardware’s Kisten Moodley.

Numerous suppliers also participated, contributing to the festive atmosphere.

The lucky draw winner was Eric Shusha, who won a Samsung Smart TV 43″ after spending over R5 000 at the store.

Enjoying the open day are sisters Saharan (left) with Fatimah Mohan.

Vuyelwa Mthetho won a bathroom makeover valued at R20 000 after spending R10 000, and another customer won an air fryer after spending more than R1 000.

Congratulating Vuyelwa Mthetho (middle) on her win are (from left) Makabongwe Mnyiphika, Sinalo Diko, Strinivaasen Rangana and Kisten Moodley.

The event was a great success, bringing together the community for a day of fun and excitement.

Handing over a television to Eric Shusha (middle) is Lungisani Ngcobo and Yasheeka Manilal.


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