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Road verges trimmed instead of cut

Residents and motorists say it's a shame about the quality of work done to cut verges.

Most provincial road verges are maintained by the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Transport (DoT), and the grass should be cut on a regular basis to provide safe passage for pedestrians and motorists.

However, this is not the case along Oscar Borchers Road and Sugar Mill Road.

Resident and motorist Deon Govender thanked the department for eventually cutting the overgrown grass along Oscar Borchers Road and Sugar Mill Road. Unfortunately, it was more of a trim than a cut.

“The verges were so overgrown that pedestrians were forced to walk on the road; one could see their fear, especially when a truck passed by. I noticed a team trimming the verges along this road recently. Yes, trimming is what they did, not clearing the verge or making ample way for pedestrians. This has to be the worst verge cutting I have seen on the South Coast,” he said.

Govender added that the verges should have been cut about two or three metres from the road or pavements. Also, the verge was not cut with a trimmer but with a hand-held slasher.

Another motorist said the department had only recently started verge cutting from Protea Park towards Marburg and that it was a shame on the quality of work being done.

“Cut grass had not been cleared properly. Litter had not been picked up. Who is supervising these contractors?” asked the motorist.

Ward 17 councillor Ajith Rajaram added that verges on Oscar Borchers Road had not been cut for several months.

Ward 17 councillor Ajith Rajaram is unhappy over the verge cutting.

“I addressed this issue with the local office of DoT, and the verges were cut, but it was not up to standard. I will alert the department,” he said.

DoT was contacted for comment, but none was forthcoming at the time of going to print.


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