Vote for your favourite business and win

This is your opportunity to reward your favourite businesses who have provided outstanding service over the past year.

The 2024 Best of South Coast Readers’ Choice Awards competition launched on Thursday.

This is your opportunity to reward your favourite businesses who have provided outstanding service over the past year by voting for them in the entry form provided on Page 14 of this week’s Herald.

Remember to read the small print on the entry form and also mention the branch of the businesses you are voting for – where applicable – when nominating your favourite businesses to ensure that your vote is valid.

All entries will be entered into the lucky draw, where you stand a chance to win your share of R8 000 in the 2024 competition. First prize – R5 000, second prize – R1 500 and third prize – R1 500.

Don’t miss this opportunity to cast your vote in stage one of the competition, which will determine the top three finalists in each of the 45 categories.

The votes will be tallied and audited by the Herald’s official Auditors, Chantel Elliott & Co., who do a sterling job each year.


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